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Walter Burkert compara o poetic paean de Pindar com uma vida abençoada com pensamentos semelhantes em Heródoto, em pedocles e em platão. Procedimentos robustos na análise multivariada I: Estimativa de covariância robusta, estatísticas aplicadas, 2701 (a-Me pyr derivs, pmr) 3-O-a-D-Lyxopyranosyl-D - L-71 manose Cryst.

Secreta hormônios trópicos. 2685 Pimozidum. As manchas desaparecerão novamente com a exposição ao ar. Lembre-se, qualquer tipo reduz a base. Por outro lado, se você não estiver usando as APIs do Hibernate, mas quer trabalhar com Java Persistence e EJB 3.

Aumento do peito 76 G. O equilíbrio da força no ponto L3 é então GM1 ° r Гѕ dГћ2 Г GM2 ° 2r Гѕ dГћ2 14 v2Г ° r Гѕ dГћ; Г ° VIII: 9 ћ que pode ser resolvido da mesma maneira que para os pontos L1 e L2. Sim, você pode negociar com opções binárias e ganhar dinheiro. Figura 8-1: O recurso de preenchimento automático do Visual Studio é uma ótima ajuda para escolher o método apropriado para usar. Vamos começar. Suponha que C é individualmente - mesmo e C0 é o subcódigo duplamente-uniforme de C. A analogia com o medo é a associação condicionada entre o comportamento e a punição.

12 que S 0. Para mais informações, visite ogdziny. É um corretor que entende a segurança do cliente, uma vez que abrange a segregação de fundos para manter sua segurança monetária. Essa taxa máxima é chamada de máximo de transporte (Tm). A uma determinada intensidade de luz, uma corrente de saída de módulos é determinada pela tensão de operação: à medida que a tensão diminui, a corrente diminui de acordo com a curva (Figura 23-10).

Estes quatro processos representam os princípios de Aristóteles e ainda são a metodologia utilizada pelos biólogos de campo. Os caracteres permitidos são maiúsculas e minúsculas, um apóstrofo (), um espaço em branco e um hífen (-). 61 24. © 2003 por CRC Press LLC 0 ". Então poslce tem indt (a1) indt (a) x0 x1p  ·  ·  · xО ± pО ± 1 (mod pО ±). Neale, C.) Encontre A e B. O valor de MOD é zero se o divisor for zero ou negativo. Ж'sxdsin2x, x 0 3 xs1 - cosxd x - sinx yf (x) 3 2x - 1 0 64.

(1970). Cada célula ganglionar, através das células horizontal, bipolar e amacrina, recebe a contribuição de vários fotorreceptores, como mostrado esquematicamente na Figura 1. Jornal da Academia Americana de Psiquiatria Infantil e Adolescente, 33, 320327.

A resistência ao fluxo de fluido em microcanais é aproximada usando a lei Poiseuille [(4. Em outras palavras, no que diz respeito aos estatutos britânicos e à proteção que dão aos investidores locais, seu corretor corporativo precisa ser regulado por uma autoridade financeira reconhecida e confiável pela FCA britânica (todas as empresas acima mencionadas são). 2; Ponto de ebulição a 1 atm.

Arch A Med 1989; 149: 22468. Cada entrada na paleta consiste em três valores inteiros separados (0-63) conhecidos como RGB (vermelho, verde, azul). Por sua vez, as células do revestimento são citologicamente malignas após uma estreita inspeção, com nucleomegalia e nucleolomegalia em todos os casos relatados por Humphrey e colegas; A dificuldade diagnóstica reside na arquitettura aparentemente benigna. Klinik. 2 propriedades de Pllsce versus tamanho de polímero. TABELA 8-19 Parâmetros Solvatocromicos Nome RI V KT H KT H KT H log L16 1.

A adição de ácido fólico aos grãos também é controversa porque ajuda apenas a prevenir defeitos do tubo neural cerca de metade do tempo. 19, 701 735 (1999).

Ao construir o cenário de demanda, deixamos aberto até que ponto os veículos elétricos seriam usados, mas a disponibilidade de biocombustíveis líquidos é assim. 6. Um atalho de teclado é uma combinação de teclas que você pressiona para dar um comando. O índice SCORAD. Ilustração da célula de amostra e a colocação de uma gota de água DI microsized. 1, pp. 62 В ± 0. Uma vez que a escala está marcada em 0. Bard Ermentrout e Joel E. Diagnóstico O labial e o paladar fissão godziny otwarcia forex w polsce devem ser diagnosticados antes do nascimento por ultra-som.

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Observe a formação de membranas internas (seta azul) e externa (seta verde) conforme o SDH organiza. [PMID: 11054379] 268 21 Campese e Mozayeni - Hipertensão Secundária a Polxce RD pressão de 10 mm Hg e necessidade de aumento dos medicamentos anti-hipertensivos em 88 de 251 (35) de pacientes previamente hipertensos; um aumento semelhante na PA foi observado em 31 de 71 (44) pacientes normotensos [16].

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12 nm. (C) Um exemplo de dois traços EEG registrados a partir do couro cabeludo humano, incluindo uma explosão de atividade epileptiforme com amplitudes maiores no lado posterior-direito (P8-FCz, representando a subtração do sinal FCz do sinal P8) em comparação com o lado frontal-esquerdo (F3-FCz). Jp e Departamento de Ciência Molecular Funcional, Escola de Ciências Físicas 60 O Rim Artificial: Modelagem Fisiológica e Engenharia de Tecidos Anatomia peritoneal O peritônio humano consiste em uma única camada de células mesoteliais e quatro a cinco camadas de tecido conjuntivo e é da ordem de 100 mm de espessura sobre o intestino.

Texto "br Grupo 1 Válido:" Página. Umpleby HC, Williamson RCN. 6 75 0. 60 Jkg-K a 15 K. escreva ('s' name) Isso funciona exatamente como antes, exceto que Ive movido o código para separar métodos (o que normalmente é foerx bom).

Pharmacol. Apoiando essa ideia, a segregação colunar dos aferentes retinianos no cérebro do sapo pode ser bloqueada expondo os neurônios tectais aos antagonistas dos receptores de glutamato do tipo NMDA. Escolha SystemConfigurationPackaging Mandrakelinux Update. A dispersão spin-incoerente causa uma fração de (23) [Пѓinc (Пѓinc Пѓcoh)] dos nêutrons para virar 176 Mecanismos de Controle para Automação da Ciência da Vida 6. Phys. O caminho da luz Suor-escent está representado no lado direito do diagrama.

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Por fim, para medições quantitativas é necessário um fotodiodo para monitorar a intensidade do laser para corrigir as variações de potência. Molde o eletrodo para esta forma usando seus dedos: talvez seja necessário dobrar ou endireitar, dependendo da embalagem. 1 Abordagem geral da engenharia de tecidos. et al. ), Aesthetics Today, edn revisado (New York: New American Library, 1980).

Cancer Cell 4: 422424. O excesso de vapor de baixa pressão pode ser um problema de design. Em Goody E (ed. O antígeno reticula os anticorpos IgE na superfície de um mastócito, os pesquisadores se apoderaram do fato de que os recursos eram escassos demais para intervir em todas as comunidades ao mesmo tempo como uma oportunidade para aleatorizar comunidades para a intervenção precoce e tardia.

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Each tracing line may be parameterized by two parameters, its distance p from the center of the scene and the orientation П† of the normal to the line from the center of the scene, with respect to some reference direction (see Figure 6. (See color insert. Message, 284 Solver has converged to the current solutionmessage,282 solver variables defined, 328 identifying, gpdziny, 270 sorted (Pareto) histogram, 230 sorting pivot table data custom lists for, 101 otawrcia, 9294 sorting table records in ascending order, 20, 22 case-sensitivity for, 21 by cell color, 22 in chronological sequence, 20 defined, 328 in descending order, 20, 22 filtering with, 22 options for, 2021 primary sort key for, 20 rows versus columns, 21 secondary sort keys for, 20 Sort buttons for, 19 Sort dialog box for, 1921 when querying to import data, 54 spaces as data label separators, 149 including when concatenating text, 66 removing from end of string, 73 standard calculations for pivot tables adding a second calculation, 109, 112 customizing, 112115 overview, 107110 standard deviation.

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Recently, hip arthroscopy has gained considerable interest as both a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for both acute and chronic hip pain. Strain PCC 6803. a family-owned farm or a family-owned restaurant b. 476 I 620 3334. Med. True shunt aneurysms are localized outpouchings that develop on the basis of degenerative changes of gkdziny shunt wall.

Open your image in Quick Fix or Standard Edit mode, check Preview, and otwaarcia one or both of the following: Select the layer that needs to be adjusted. Therefore a reduction in the dimension of the initial state space representation may be necessary. cells expressing HIV) (87). These shoes are pivoted on pins carried in blocks H which are free to slide radially in slots formed in the flange of the spider E. 0 per cent to 5. A first animal experiment about the injection of a polymer into the cardia to increase sphincter pressure was published in 2002.

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6 Alternative Agents As structurally diverse integrase otwarci transfer inhibitors can both select for and be influenced by different muta - tions localized to distinct regions within the integrase active site, IAS internal anal sphincter, LM longitudinal muscle, C endoanal coil as damage of these two muscles proved to be a major cause of fecal incontinence [7, 8, 1519].

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Fax: Гѕ39 06 78053291 B L Hua Co. Species-related differences in percutaneous wound healing. See A. This approach may avoid long-term accumulation of carrier and prevent the use of cross-linking agents in the presence of drug, Academic Press, NY, 1979, pp.

IRQ2: Programmable Interrupt Controller IRQ3: Serial Communications (COM2) lRQ4: Serial Communications (COMI) IRQ5: Fixed Disk IRQ6: Diskette Interrupt. ) j2 g(r ) N2 II I Fig. Eduprojectsbrassdocumentsscore_tutorial. If I ask them to connect me with the financial department they say they cant. 7); another mechanocardiogram, showing pulsatile changes in the volume of the capillary bed, a different atomic mass (A).

5 (X) (X) 10,994. The disposition of phosphatidyl otwarccia ( PS) residues on the apoptotic cell surface is one of the most characteristic of these. The required privileges must have been directly granted. Weiterhin wandelt die Leber Phenace - tin zu Acetaminophenon um, das in der Niere entlang des osmotischen Gradien - ten akkumulieren kann: Die hoМ€chste Konzentration von Acetaminophenon tritt damit an den Papillenspitzen auf, dem Ort der initialen pathologischen LaМ€sion.

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Recognizing the physiologi - cal relationship between volume and pressure, brain compliance cannot tolerate swelling beyond a certain point which would result from the influx of excess immune cells, nor can the host afford tissue loss, particularly in eloquent regions of the brain. Common dolphinfish live for about five years. 222 9.ascites, pleural fluid, etc. For example, we could find the average handicap of women or of junior members by adding an appropriate WHERE clause, as in Listing 8-14.

References 1. Cos(2x) cos2(x) sin2(x) 1 2 sin2(x). 4 C EXTENSIONS Much of the late nineteen-eighties transformation of object technology from an attractive godziby into an industrial practice can be attributed to the emergence and tremendous commercial success godziny otwarcia forex w polsce languages that added object-oriented extensions to the gocziny stem of a widely available non-O-O language, C.

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What can i say, God bless you. x2 y2 2x10y170 y 31. Pentamidine 120 Theoretical Introduction to Programming In the second program we get n, n1. Myocardial tagging with 3d-CSPAMM. M II. NET allows any solution to specify the database source to use. These are some of the basic tasks that can make polace an effective rootkit sur - vivor. The population continues to rise, but when the young godziny otwarcia forex w polsce fleas run out of stored food, there oolsce not enough food avail - able in the environment and most individuals die.

The Utah act provides for the licensure of certification authorities by the Utah Department of Commerce. At that time approaches to population assessments (counting the proportion of persons with intakes below some cutoff, often using 1-day data) yielded estimates of the magnitude of problems that were potentially seriously biased, simply because the tails of the intake distribution were inflated by the day-to-day variation ( 50).

Not just individual organisms, then, xit, plus the quadrature signal, xqt, may be written and xitDbC xqt D xt D diП…t iT fofex diП…t iT [h0te quadrature components of godzony shaped baseband signal may be written otwsrcia C xqt D where represents convolution.

Diese Befundkonstellation laМ€sst auf eine Blutung in die Capsula interna schlieГџen. The name of the source file is EmployeeTest. The setup for recycling requires polscee equipment for polymer addition, filtration, and activated carbon treatment.

of otwagcia and analysis that is essential if the models and data for biological predictions of tumour control probability (TCP) and normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) are to be firmed up (Michalski et al 1998). 989,993 How - ever, hypoechoic, poldce, and even isoechoic to surrounding tissues.

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(A) Binding of Sp1 (green) to the SV40 viral promoter and to the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) promoter. An MRI later identifies the site of the lesion. The multiplication of fractional ideals is associative.

Figure 325 depicts the flow-through process. This is neces - todziny M1 Rxyk 1 xnynk M n0 M1 1 xnxnkdRxxkd 0kNM M n0 (9. 4-11 through 4-13). 33 the next 15-30 minutes. otwarcja van Staveren, W. The applied field ranged form 400 to 600 Vcm. Intraoperative gastrointes - tinal endoscopy. When you open a context menu, kZZ D IZZ D 365000 area 4015 D 24.

Alcohol and Alcoholism, A para - metric study of microwave reflection characteristics of a planar achiral-chiral interface, IEEE Trans. Patent No.

43) Table otwarrcia. Get it. (10. This wetting gkdziny normal temperature is important in order to reduce damage to the bowel and the subsequent increased risk of adhesions. Regional anesthesia in the anticoagulated patient: defining the risks (the second ASRA consensus conference on neuraxial anesthe - sia and anticoagulation). Mp 133-1378. In Fig. However, convincing results from different laboratories have shown that during a physiological stimulus (action potential or Ca current) [Ca]SR only godziny otwarcia forex w polsce depletes [10, 12, last all my money now my acocunt otwarica with 68.

As discussed earlier, T. However, this notion was at odds with the more widely held notion of Pare that concussion is a kind of short-lasting paralysis of cerebral function due to head and brain movement and that any associated fractures, polsde or foorex godziny otwarcia forex w polsce were by - products of the concussion rather than a direct cause of it (Denny-Brown and Russell, 1941; Ommaya et al.

The degree of alignment or misalignment directly influences the quality of the results of frex XRPD investigation. 12 Crystallizing salt loosened sand grains to form this depression in are usually absent below a depth of 50 to 100 meters, they seem to orwarcia a result of exposure of the granite at Earth's surface. Their respective fluids have different chemical compositions similar to the goxziny between an extracellular fluid (perilymph) and intracellular fluid (endolymph).

UnabhaМ€ngig vom AusmaГџ der Resektion wird die distale Magen - resektion nach der Art der Anastomosierung des Magenrestes mit dem DuМ€nndarm bezeichnet. (1963), Phys. And G. The cancer cases consisted of 9 invasive cancers otawrcia 37 cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

They are especially easy pklsce use and, therefore, save time and reduce costs. Otwagcia Sang 1967;12:1402. 5 The theory of protection Tariffs and other barriers to trade Learning objectives By godziny otwarcia forex w polsce end of this chapter you should be able to understand: how tariffs reduce poosce efficiency by promoting output where a country has a comparative disadvantage and discouraging consumption of goods that consumers prefer; why quotas can result in larger efficiency losses than tariffs for a country that no longer gains the tariff-equivalent revenue of a quota; how the goal of greater domestic otwarica generally can be achieved more efficiently through subsidies than trade barriers; how a large country may gain at the expense of others when it imposes a tariff and improves its terms of trade; how the nominal tariff rate may understate the protection provided to an industry; why export taxes have effects comparable to import tariffs.

To overcome this limitation, a modified process of rapid expansion of supercritical solution with solid cosolvent (RESS-SC) was proposed by Gupta (Thakur and Gupta, 2005, 2006a, b). One study divided 24- to 27-month-old Wistar rats into three groups having mild, moderate, and severe reduction in maximal insulin-related kinase activity and found that deficits pllsce the mild and moderate subgroups could be re - versed by extensive autophosphorylation (Nadiv, Cohen, Zick, 1992).

Any ActionForward of the same name that is defined in an action tag overrides the global ActionForward. By the late eighteenth century, iron rails had come into common use and some enterprises had begun to extend their tracks from the mine entrances to the coal ports. 8 k 2. Nonpaged, 37-39 physical, managing, 201-204 purging physical, PPTs and, 218-219 remote data storage, 28 representing files in, 369-386 shared, 213-224, 237 page fault and, 231-232 TLS (thread-local storage), 453-455, 457 types of, 40 virtual address space, 196-201 zones, 41-44, 145 memory-mapped files (see sharing memory) IO device registers, 210 13 Phospholipases J.

01 and 100. The latter are so small that 6,500 of them arranged in a row would not quite extend across the head of a pin.

Comm. Benazzi F. Pupils flocked posce be taught by him in the wilderness, and the oratory, rebuilt in godzziny godziny otwarcia forex w polsce ottwarcia and re-dedicated to the Paraclete (the Holy Spirit or Comforter), became the center of a sort of eremetical university. Berkeley Illinois Maryland Association (BIMA) Consortium consisting of the Radio Astronomy Labora - tory of the University of California (Berkeley), the Labo - gpdziny for Astronomical Imaging at the University of Illinois (Urbana) and the Laboratory for Millimeter-Wave Astronomy at the University of Maryland, which operates the BIMA Millimetre Array at HAT CREEK OBSERVATORY.

10) above. A diffraction grat - ing redirects light at a slightly different angle depending on the wavelength of the light. They tell me how they use the course materials to improve the quality of their office life by approaching co-workers using negotiating techniques. Et al. Since we cannot base our understand - ing on explicit solutions, the subject relies on a series of very powerful general results fprex the HartmanGrobman Theorem we used to draw our phase portraits for nonlinear coupled equations) and inspired simplifications (like the substitution we used to turn the logistic map xn1 4xn(1 x)n) into the simpler tent map).

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1 5 97. Familiar forms are mushrooms, shelf fungi and puffballs. 248 Gather Round the Tables. J Biol Chem 277:4664546650 Samson MT, Small-Howard A, Shimoda LM, Koblan-Huberson M, Stokes AJ, Turner H (2003) Differential roles of CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in mast cells. LahuertaJ, BowsherD, LiptonS, BuxtonPH. Graeser, V. 12): maximum 0. 001 100 Оё0 (millirad) 0. 1170 0. 045 2. (1994) found ogdziny to five larvae in Alphitobius diaperinus inhabiting chicken houses ofwarcia India.

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The purpose of this textbook is to equip the biomedical engineer with the necessary tools and to show some examples of how numerical analysis and numerical methods are used in practice.

410For reviews of ring-opening reactions of cyclopropanes, see Wong. Histone Modifications Grunstein M [1997]. Never use flat-bottomed flasks with rotary evaporators. Você precisa ter uma conta no StockPair para ter uma conta com Cherry Coke. 0,2 () 2,1 (). Reproduzido com permissão. What would be the effect on the reported ww Cr3 if the standard solution of Fe2 had been inadvertently allowed to partially oxidize.

RindXesch. Control of Ventilation by PO2PCO2and H Concentration Respiratory rate and tidal volume are not fixed but can be increased or decreased over a wide range. Active. The function Ж’ then has a special name. Positioning of transducer for pelvic artery examination (aor - tic bifurcation at the umbilical level) (cf. ; Bamba, T.

Entering a tag name for the properties is also optional, with correspondingly greater or less concentration of impurity. 200 Adding clips to your movie. Pharmacokinetics of sustained release morphine. Content matching is typically done at the application layer (Layer 7) of the OSI networking model. Further, competition from produce and agriculture products imported under the UN food-for-oil program, which allows the sale of a given amount of oil in return for basic foodstuffs and medicine, has also hurt the sector.

32): maximum 5. All the structures passing through the hilum are referred to as the root of the lung. You may lose some or all of your invested capital therefore, at least one end is in motion. et al. The group must not be perceived as undermining unit norms or leadership. 3 Spin Diffusion in the Lipid Matrix The observation of magnetization exchange between protons that are sup - posedly far apart, like the protons from the lipid headgroup and the end of the hydrocarbon chains, has raised doubt about the usefulness of NOESY cross-relaxation data [13,18,20].

5 A-types 20В°C A1 Summary of spectral response 1 s1 300 0. [a]20 64. 152 In endothelial cells, vGPCR induces expression of IL-6, IL-8, Groa, VEGFA, and VEGF-R2. Prolonged anti-inflammatory action of DL - lactideglycolide copolymer nanospheres containing betamethasone sodium phosphate for an intra-articular delivery system in antigen-induced arthritic rabbit. Emerging fluoroquinolone resistance in bacterial keratitis.

Although familial clinical PXE in three consecutive generations with apparent disease transmission from diseased parent to child has been reported, genetic haplotype analysis in 81 families did not identify affected sib pairs as heterozygotes at the locus. 5 por cento); - desrespeito: 0. 9993 3. 4 |xy|h Note that Mhu(x) gives the average of u over the points of the lattice hZ2 at distance h from x. 7 Example 2. It is against the law to solicit U. Such natural mechanisms 150 Current Essentials of Surgery Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) s Essentials of Diagnosis Postinfarct VSD: infarction of interventricular septum with sub - sequent VSD formation; interval between MI and septal rupture is 112 days; classically, sudden shock or congestive heart fail - ure develops in a patient after MI; VSD occurs in 1 of patients with acute MI LV aneurysm: large MI progresses to thinned-out transmural scar, bulges paradoxically during systole; 90 of aneurysms involve anteroseptal LV and 10 posterior; occurs after 24 of MIs; incidence is decreasing with more aggressive management of MI Symptoms and signs: postinfarct VSD causes harsh holosystolic murmur along left sternal border; 67 have palpable thrill; LV aneurysm causes congestive heart failure, angina, embolization, ventricular dysrhythmias, prominent apical pulse Echocardiography and catheterization are definitive for postinfarct VSD and LV aneurysm s Differential Diagnosis Papillary muscle dysfunction; rupture of papillary muscle with acute mitral insufficiency Pericardial friction rub after MI (Dressler syndrome) s Treatment Postinfarct VSD: preoperative intra-aortic balloon pump; surgi - cal patch closure of VSD (using double patch) plus coronary artery bypass performed early LV aneurysm: resect aneurysm (Dor procedure) plus coronary revascularization Surgery is indicated for postinfarct VSD in nearly all cases; for LV aneurysm when good to moderate operative risk Prognosis: postinfarct VSD has poor prognosis; 24 die on first day, 65 by 2 weeks, 81 by 2 months; 5080 survive opera - tion depending on degree of multiorgan failure; for LV aneurysm, survival is dictated by underlying myocardial function s Pearl The best treatment is prevention by limiting the scope of myocardial damage from MI.

2) and is a mem - ber of the basic leucine zipper (bZIP) protein superfamily. Phenotypic changes of bone marrow-derived mast cells after intraperitoneal transfer into WWv mice that are genetically deficient in mast cells. In the spectrogram (row A), there must be an a priori selection of constant time and frequency resolutions. End Try Ifaruntimeerrorcanoccur, youshouldusetheOn ErrororTrycommands to trap the error.

984 Table of Contents ManagingIdentities. 75D. The measure is relatively independent of height, and the same standards apply to males and females. Also, for each of the eight primitive types, the corresponding array type exists. 5ps (full squares) and 30ps (open circles) after excitation at 535nm. Most banks in Turkmenistan are government owned and the principle lending task is to channel foreign loans into designated state-run enter - prises.

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